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Grzegorz Utracki – Head of the commune Krzyżanowice

Phone 32 419 40 50 w. 106

Acceptance of pages: on Thursdays from 14:00 to 16:00 by prior arrangement at the secretariat.
Consideration of applications and complaints takes place in the organizational section (room No. 15).

The commune head is a one-person executive body of the commune, elected in direct elections and removable only in cases specified by law. The head of the commune implements the resolutions of the commune council and the tasks of the commune specified by law, manages the current affairs of the commune and represents it outside.
The commune council determines the directions of the mayor’s activities. The commune council also accepts reports on the activities of the commune head and decides on strategic property issues of the commune. In the performance of the commune’s own tasks, the commune head is subordinated solely to the commune council.
The statutory tasks of the mayor include in particular:

  • preparation of draft resolutions of the commune council,
  • specifying the method of implementing resolutions,
  • municipal property management,
  • budget execution,
  • hiring and dismissing managers of municipal organizational units.

The commune head as an administrative body has established competences to resolve individual cases. In this role, the commune head issues individual decisions in the field of public administration regarding all tasks of the commune; both in terms of own and commissioned tasks. The commune head may authorize his deputy or other employees of the commune office to issue decisions. Decisions issued by the commune head may be appealed against to the local government appeal board, unless a specific statutory provision provides otherwise.

The commune head performs his tasks with the help of the commune office, of which he is the head.


The Commune Head performs the tasks resulting from the Act on Commune Self-Government and other provisions defining the status of the Commune Head.

  1. The scope of tasks and competences of the Mayor includes in particular:
    – represented the Office outside,
    – managing the current affairs of the commune,
    – taking actions in labor law matters and appointing other persons to take these actions,
    – exercising the powers of the official superior towards all employees of the Office,
    – ensuring compliance with the law by all organizational units of the Office and its employees,
    – coordinating the activities of organizational units of the Office and organizing their cooperation,
    – resolving disputes between individual organizational units, in particular regarding the division of tasks,
  2. supervision over the course and timeliness of the Office’s tasks,
    – exercising general supervision over the proper performance of office activities by the employees of the Office,
    – periodically convening – but not less frequently than once a month – meetings with the participation of Heads of Departments in order to agree on their cooperation and implementation of tasks,
    – issuing administrative decisions in individual cases and in matters related to public administration,
    – authorizing the Deputy or other employees of the Office to issue administrative decisions on his behalf in individual cases in the field of public administration,
    – granting powers of attorney in matters falling within its exclusive competence,
    – appointment of local government employees in accordance with applicable regulations and established rules,
    – appointing a disciplinary officer in a disciplinary case,
    – providing answers to interpellations and inquiries of councillors, unless the Statute of the Commune provides otherwise,
    – accepting oral declarations of will of the testator,
    – accepting asset declarations from the Chairman of the Commune Council and local government employees authorized by the Mayor to issue administrative decisions on his behalf,
    – performing other tasks reserved for the Mayor by the provisions of law, Regulations and resolutions of the Commune Council.
    The commune head exercises direct supervision over the activities of:
    – Deputy Mayor,
    – secretary of the commune,
  3. treasurer of the commune,
    The commune head is the head of the Registry Office.
    The commune head is the field head of Civil Defense.
    The commune head exercises direct supervision over the activities of:
    – Organizational Department,
    – Department of Budget and Finance,
    – Department of Spatial Management,
    – Commune Education, Culture, Sport and Tourism Team,
    – Registry Office,
    – Plenipotentiary for the protection of classified information,
    – Position for defence, civil defense and crisis situations, Municipal Department of Municipal Management.